Carnival Reboots Wi-Fi Service – Cruise News – Nov. 7, 2014
Carnival Reboots Wi-Fi Service
Cruise News – Nov. 7, 2014
Carnival Corporation says its new high-speed network, WiFi@Sea, is a major breakthrough that will give passengers and crew 10 times faster and more powerful Internet service – meaning you can more easily send photos and connect through social media while at sea.
The company said the “hybrid wireless network” would eventually be rolled out on all 101 ships in Carnival Corp.’s nine brands and would “revolutionize how millions of passengers stay in touch” while cruising.
Officials are particularly hoping the enhanced speed and power will attract new cruisers from the pool of folks (most notedly millennials) who never want to be offline.
The technology involves wireless signals that switch between advanced satellites and land-based antennas installed along cruise routes, officials said. The network is designed to switch back and forth between the connection types.
WiFi@Sea will be up and running in the Caribbean by the end of the year and expand to Alaska next summer and Europe and Asia in 2015 and 2016. Pricing will vary by brand.
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