Unfriendly Skies; Here’s What Annoys Air Travelers the Most
Forget delays, there’s a whole lot more to complain about these days for those traveling by air. Booking giant Expedia released the results of their 2018 Airplane and Hotel Etiquette Study and their findings detail the worst faux pas airplane passengers can commit at 35,000 feet. Here are some of the worst!
Don’t Toe the Line
You may need to take your shoes off going through security, but that doesn’t mean they get to stay off. More than 90% of those surveyed said flying barefoot is a big no-no. It’s not easy to get comfortable, especially during a long flight, but taking your shoes off on a plane is an automatic fail in the etiquette department.
While we’re on the topic of feet, keeping them off the seat back in front of you is another key component to being a good passenger. 51% of those responding to the survey said having your seat kicked is the most annoying part of flying.
No Time to Socialize
Nothing beats peace and quiet. It’s polite to exchange pleasantries with your seatmate, but 90% of flyers said they’d rather tune the world out on a plane. Earplugs or headphones are a great indicator that someone doesn’t want to be social, and that’s 77% of people who take to the skies, according to the survey.
And if your seatmate starts snoring mid-flight? 54% say it’s okay to wake them up!
Excuse Me, Is This Your Child?
Keep Children Occupied on Plane Rides
Another pet peeve for airline passengers is inattentive parents and their unruly children. Crying babies and rambunctious toddlers can make a flight unbearable so when traveling with the kiddos, always make sure to keep them occupied with whatever quiet activities you can. Your fellow passengers will thank you for keeping things under control.
For the whole list of things to avoid doing on an airplane, check out the full survey results at Expedia’s Newsroom.
— Evan Gove