Orion Moves to Europe – Cruise News – Jan. 9, 2015
Orion Moves to Europe
Cruise News – Jan. 9, 2015
Soft-adventure line Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic is basing its 102-passenger National Geographic Orion in Europe for 22 weeks in 2016.
The ship will saiil unusual, one-week itineraries exploring Portugal, Spain, France, England, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, the Baltic Republics, and Scandinavia, from spring to fall. Acquired as part of a merger with Orion, the upscale ship previously cruised in Australia and the South Pacific.
The Europe cruises will focus on such cerebral pursuits as ancient and modern history, political science, art viniculture and music, while also offering passengers the opportunity to hike, bike, and kayak. A National Geographic photographer will accompany each voyage.
Dining on board will include degustation menus created by one of Australia’s renowned international chefs, Serge Dansereau, principal of Sydney’s The Bathers’ Pavilion, with the cuisine influenced by the cruising destination.
Photo: Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic
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