Cruise Deals of the Week – Feb. 13, 2015
Cruise Deals of the Week – Feb. 13, 2015
DEAL: Blount Small Ship Adventures is celebrating Presidents’ Day with “patriotic” discounts on historical itineraries. Save up to 40 percent when booking cruises from New York to Washington or Washington to Boston in May or June. Or save 15 percent on a 10-day President’s Cruise in August, hosted by the line’s president, Nancy Blount. The itinerary covers Maine and New Brunswick. Book by Feb. 27.
Consult your travel agent or Blount Small Ship Adventures for more.
DEAL: A “Wonders of Japan” cruise organized by Abercrombie & Kent in May 2016 will explore the islands of Japan on the French ship Le Soleal. The ship will be chartered for 199 guests, with tours conducted by the A&K expedition team. Shore excursions will feature less-frequented ports.
Consult your travel agent or Abercrombie & Kent for more.
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