Five Faves: Serenity Now

Porthole‘s Five Faves

Serenity Now

Five Favorite Cruise Moments to Savor

Ask any cruiser about their favorite moments on deck, and you’ll likely find the list is long and varied. But when it comes to those aaaahhhh moments, there are certain snapshots of time spent on board that define the whole experience and remind us of why we love to cruise. Here are my five favorites.

Release the Hounds

We’ve all been there. Just when you belly up to order that second piña colada on the first afternoon of your cruise, you’re told the bar is closed. It’s time for the muster drill. Yes, it’s the ultimate cruise buzz kill, but rest assured: In just a few minutes, you’ll hear those seven short blasts followed by one long blast, signaling that the muster drill is now over and it’s officially time to get your vacation on.

A Whole New World

I’ll never forget the first morning of my first cruise and the feeling I had as I pulled back the curtains to see a picturesque, mountainous, sailboat-dotted vista of the Caribbean island in front of me. That feeling lives on to this day. Nothing can compare to those morning moments gazing upon a different destination and realizing that this is one of the best aspects of cruising.

Kid-Free Zone

For parents, there is often that initial feeling of guilt when you drop your kids off at the kids’ club so you can enjoy some much-needed alone time. But don’t let that lower lip guilt you for a second. Because soon enough, you’ll ease into a feeling of weightlessness when you back away — slowly — and head down the hallway without the kids in tow. Whether you have an hour or several, make every minute count. They’re having fun. You’re free!

outdoor relaxation area on cruise linerDeck Chair Solitude

When you feel like escaping the crowds for some pure cruise-ship solitude, head high. Climb the stairs to the uppermost deck and you’ll surely find a couple of deck chairs facing the horizon that are just begging to be lounged in. Take a seat, breathe in, and exhale. Spending even 10 minutes doing nothing else but appreciating the sights and smells of the ocean and the breeze in your face lets you recharge for the rest of your action-packed cruise.

Nighttime Routine

One of my favorite moments on a cruise is at the end of a long day when I finally lay down to relax in bed — complete with the next day’s newsletter in hand. It’s a feeling of unwinding and reflecting on the day while looking forward to and planning the next. Oh, look! Wine tasting at 5 pm!

— Jodi Ornstein


What’s your favorite cruise moment? Tell us in the comments below!

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