The Best Cruises and Travel Tips For Pet Lovers
We all wish we could take our dogs and cats to school or work with us, but did you know you can actually bring your pets on a cruise? Your furry friends will love our list of the top pet friendly cruises and travel ideas for pet enthusiasts!
Cunard Queen Mary II
A dog enjoys a trip on Cunard Line
The largest ship operated by Cunard Line is the most pet-friendly cruise ship . Queen Mary II, named name by England’s current and longest reigning Monarch, has a wonderful kennel program complete with a full-time
Kennel Master, whose responsibilities include feeding and walking guests’ pets as well as cleaning the 12 kennels. From England to America, you and your pets will cruise like royalty!
Meow Meow Cruise
Cat lovers rejoice for this this next pet friendly cruise! The Meow Meow Cruise aboard Carnival Liberty has everything you and your fellow cat enthusiasts need for some fun in the sun. The 4-day cruise leaving from Port Canaveral, FL spends a day at sea before visiting Nassau and Freeport in the Bahamas. Though you can’t actually bring Mr. Bigglesworth on the cruise, you can bring all the pictures you want to share with the other guests! You can even get the photo embedded on a custom meow meow t-shirt.
Woof Woof Cruise
Since there’s a Meow Meow cruise for cats, it makes sense that they’re working on one for dog-lovers. The Woof Woof Cruise is a soon to be counterpart of the cat lovers cruise. It is a place for people to share their love for our fuzzy four-legged friends. Service dogs are the only animals allowed on ships currently, but you can still take plenty of pictures to show your furry friends when you get home!
Nestled in the Miyagi Prefecture, Japan is an island every cat lover needs to visit. Tash-hero-Jeema, better known as Cat Island, is chock full of felines thanks to the Japanese suspersition that feeding stray cats brings wealth and good luck. It also brings more cats! Just a half hour ferry ride from the Japanese mainland, the island is a popular tourist destination for pet lovers all over the world.
Cats of all colors and sizes | Photo: Lanai Cat Sanctuary
The Lanai Cat Sanctuary on the Hawaiian island of Lanai is a popular tourist spot thanks to all their furry friends. The sanctuary started as a haven for tropical birds, but over time, they started accepting stray cats as well!
Known as “Hawaiian Lions” to those who work there, the kitties enjoy fun in the sun and a lot of love from visiting travelers. Guests can adopt any of the cats or you can even sponsor a cat if taking one home isn’t an option.