Tried & True: Johnny Jet Travel Tips
Surviving Long Layovers
Travel expert Johnny Jet answers your most common questions.
Traveling 150,000 miles a year, it’s no wonder Johnny Jet knows a thing or two about the subject. From money-saving tips to how to get an upgrade, he’s constantly asked travel-related questions from both first-time and experienced travelers. So in each issue, we’re bringing you answers to your most frequently asked questions in order to make your next trip even smoother. In this issue: How do I survive a long layover?
Often when you travel, you have to endure long layovers. But it’s often a Catch-22, because if you don’t have a long layover, you’ll stress about missing your connection, and since airlines are usually flying at capacity, if you miss your flight it’s not going to be easy to get on the next one.
When I book travel, I almost always try to fly nonstop, even if it costs more. It’s usually not worth the hassle of having a connection, which doubles your chances of getting delayed and the airline losing your bag.
When a nonstop flight isn’t possible and I have to make a connection, I like to fly through cities that I love and even try to spend the night. Most travelers don’t know …
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