October Is National Plan a Cruise Month! | Cruise News – Sept. 24, 2015
October Is National Plan a Cruise Month!
Cruise News – Sept. 24, 2015
Show your #CruiseSmile to win one of 31 cruise vacations!
Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the unified voice of the global cruise community, has announced October is National Plan a Cruise Month. Through the campaign, the cruise industry has come together to help everyone fall in love with cruising by featuring special deals and promotions including cruise fare savings, free upgrades, onboard spending money, signature beverage packages, and more.
To further celebrate National Plan a Cruise Month, the cruise industry is launching #CruiseSmile, a simple and fun chance to win one of 31 cruise vacations; one will be awarded each day from October 1 through October 31, 2015. Prize itineraries include the Caribbean, Tahiti, Europe, Southeast Asia, and others from 23 different cruise lines.
Anyone can enter each day during the sweepstakes by simply submitting a photo featuring a “cruise smile” at CruiseSmile.org, or posting their “cruise smile” on Twitter or Instagram using #CruiseSmile and #Sweepstakes. Participants will have the opportunity to share their posts for more chances to win.
Photo: CLIA
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