MSC Cruises Raises $4.4 million for UNICEF | Cruise News – Sept. 28, 2015
MSC Cruises Raises $4.4 million for UNICEF
Cruise News – Sept. 28, 2015
At a ceremony held at the international Expo Milano 2015 tech showcase, MSC Cruises celebrated the success of its “Get on Board for Children” initiative, which has raised 4 million euros — approximately $4.4 million — for children’s charity UNICEF.
Daniela Picco, MSC Cruises’ head of strategic partnerships, presented a symbolic check to Philippe Baud, deputy director of UNICEF Switzerland, in the presence of top cruise executives, hundreds of children, and Expo visitors from around the world.
“MSC Cruises and UNICEF have long-established a strong relationship, having worked hand in hand since 2009 on a program that positively impacts the life of thousands of children around the world,” says Pierfrancesco Vago, MSC Cruises’ executive chairman. “We are thus extremely proud to have reached the 4 million-euro milestone and wish to thank our guests for their continued generosity in support of UNICEF and our joint program.”
UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, fights for the rights of children in more than 190 countries and territories. Guests aboard MSC Cruises’ ships are encouraged to donate, directly supporting education programs in Brazil, fighting malaria across Africa, and saving lives of thousands of hungry children in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, and Nepal with Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF).
“As a mother, I take a lot of pride in knowing that our guests’ contributions and MSC’s involvement and logistical support enabled UNICEF to bring life-saving assistance to close to 10,000 children in the last six months alone,” says Picco.
Photo: MSC Cruises
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