Viking Cruises

A Cruise to Norway Means Magical Memories

A cruise to Norway means magical memories.

By Susan Zimmerman

Ahoy, voyagers headed to Norway! Take heart; adventure awaits at every port. With its coastline of more than 64,000 miles, which includes some 240,000 islands, getting one’s bearing prior to making port is a good idea. Even after numerous visits to this majestic land, I know that these experiences are only the “tip of the fjord” on what awaits ashore. But they’re spot-on for jump-starting adventure.

PORT CALL: Senja Island, Norway

This favorite northern getaway is just a ferry ride or express boat away from the Arctic capital of Tromsø. The isle’s renowned for its wild coast, quaint fishing villages, and 50-mile stretch of National Tourist Route that winds past fjords and mountains. It was June, which meant midnight sun, and so what better time than to head to the country’s second-largest island.

I’ve driven a lot of those so-called “most beautiful” roads in the world, but cruising along a winding stretch of the National Tourist Route as it was warmed by glorious midnight sun was mesmerizing. The way it set the villages and mountains aglow with fire-like light was truly otherworldly. There was magic realism in the air that summer night on Senja’s wild coast.

The villages each have their own unique charm, but Skaland is where I spent a day….


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