Can Traveling Improve Your Health?
AARP, the most trusted name in retirement, released the results of a new survey they conducted which found that those who travel reported better emotional and physical health and improved relationships and productivity at work. Additionally, overall well-being is one of the biggest advantages of travel, with the benefits starting during the initial travel planning phase and extending well beyond the trip. The longest lasting travel benefit reported is improved relationships with loved ones – lasting six weeks on average.
Traveling and Your Overall Health
AARP is a leading advocate for the rights and needs of the retired community and one thing that seniors love to do is travel. The study showed that four in five baby boomers experience at least one health benefit during a trip and 73 percent notice at least one health benefit post-trip. By far, boomers get the most health benefits during the trip, about 56%. One in five indicate they experience health benefits before, during, and after the trip equally. Millennials experience a far bigger benefit from planning a trip (23%) than boomers (6%).
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According to Alison Bryant, AARP’s Research Senior Vice President, the benefits of travel aren’t limited by destination or trip length.
“This research shows there are many health and wellness benefits during all stages of travel across generations, and seeing those benefits significantly improves their satisfaction with the trip,” she said. “Any type of travel, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a weeklong trip, can be an effective way to renew and recharge and the benefits far outweigh the short-lived drawbacks.”
Key Findings from the AARP Study
- One in 5 (21%) indicate they experience health benefits before, during, and after the trip equally.
- Of the 73 percent of boomers who notice health benefits post-trip, the most unexpected benefits are better sleep (51%), more energy (50%) and increased productivity (46%).
- Most boomers credit their travel health benefits simply to relaxation and fun (72%) and to spending quality time with loved ones (67%).
- The health benefits that most improve during a trip include improved emotional well-being (54%), connection with loved ones (52%), amount of energy (35%), intellectual curiosity (34%) and mental clarity (30%).