Top Hacks For a Yogi on a Budget
I got hooked on Ashtanga yoga the first time I dropped in on a class. I love the way the practice
requires absolute presence, and connects me with my breath.
Like most newbies getting into yoga, I had a bit of sticker shock when trying to find a studio.
Although Ashtanga can be practiced at home, I was looking for a bit more direction and
assistance with getting deeper into postures. When looking at yoga studios, it seems that the
going rate for unlimited is anywhere from $99 to $150. This was really hard for me to swallow
considering I recall paying $30/month for my gym membership back in college. Naturally, I tried
to find a more affordable option.
This is what I found…
Groupon: Don’t miss out. In January when the world has reawakened, and everyone has set
their New Year’s intentions Yoga studios run rampant with ridiculous discounts. Just look in
your area and I guarantee you will see some studios discounting at 50% for one month
Omstars – Online Yoga: Omstars is the genius brainchild of Kino Macgregor, who has been
practicing Ashtanga for more than 17 years. Her yoga network is curated of original yoga
content including: practice videos, meditation, and general health and wellness videos. Her
videos are high quality, educational, and a blast to watch. When I’m not in a studio, I try my best to keep up with Kino. And all for the low price of $14/month.
Student ID: Now this is the least effective of the yoga hacks, and potentially the most
awkward… although that truly depends on how long ago you graduated from college. Most
yoga studios will offer marginal discounts to students. YES, KEEP those student IDs… even if you
hate that picture!! Who says college kids get to have all of the fun? Anyhow, I have found that
most studios offer around 10 to 15% student discounts.
If you’re a yogi on a budget like me, there are no good excuses. Start your year off right, treat
yourself, get connected, be present, and save some cold hard cash while you’re at it.