Quantum arrives in Bayonne – Cruise News – Nov. 14, 2014
Quantum arrives in Bayonne
Cruise News – Nov. 7, 2014
Porthole will be on board this weekend for the two-night naming cruise of Royal Caribbean’s much-anticipated Quantum of the Seas, the third-largest ship in the world. We already caught a glimpse from a friend’s high-rise in Brooklyn.
Royal has billed the ship as the smartest ever built, and we can’t wait to check out high-tech wizardry that includes robotic bartenders (do you have to tip them?).
The ship is jam-packed with other industry-first features, too, including bumper cars, simulated skydiving and a mechanical arm ride that takes passengers high above the ship in an enclosed capsule. Plus “Dynamic Dining” means a broader choice of eating venues.
“Quantum of the Seas isn’t just changing cruising, it’s changing how today’s traveler vacations,” said Richard D. Fain, chairman and CEO, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
The ship’s godmother is Broadway and TV star Kristin Chenoweth.
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