Cuba will be hot in 2016 … predicts Cuba Cruise | Cruise News – Apr. 10, 2015

Cuba will be hot in 2016 … predicts Cuba Cruise

Cruise News – Apr. 10, 2015


Cuba Cruise’s M/V Louis Cristal just wrapped up its 2015 season, but the Canadian company says there’s already hot interest from Americans in its 2016 program — now that relations between the United States and Cuba are normalizing.

“Our last season in Cuba proved to be our most exciting one yet. We experienced a record surge of American interest in our cutting-edge cruise program, welcoming more U.S. travelers aboard than ever before,” said Dugald Wells, Cuba Cruise president. “As new developments come into play, we anticipate a significant portion of our guests will come from the emerging American market in 2015/2016.”

Cuba Cruise, which offers a People-to-People cruise program (thus getting around remaining restrictions), will launch its third Cuba season on December 18.


Photo: John and Sandra Nowlan

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