Royal Caribbean Launches Anthem with Song | Cruise News – Apr. 24, 2015
Royal Caribbean Launches Anthem with Song
Cruise News – Apr. 24, 2015
In a lively event featuring Welsh boys choir Only Boys Aloud, rock guitars, a DJ, a pop-singing British-travel-agent godmother, and bagpipes too, Royal Caribbean International launched its latest Quantum-class ship, the 4,180-passenger Anthem of the Seas, in Southampton, U.K.
Like sister ship Quantum of the Seas, “smart ship” Anthem of the Seas is designed to say “active and now,” “latest and greatest.” We’re talking robot bartenders, simulated sky-diving, bumper cars, a rock concert Music Hall, the North Star ride (which takes you in a glass capsule raised by a giant mechanical arm high above the ship), a super-fast high tech check-in process, and other new-wave attractions.
There are additions, including a knock-your-socks-off production of We Will Rock You, the West End show featuring the music of Queen. There’s even a new “pop-up” piano player roaming the ship.
The contemporary, 3,000-work art collection also wows with interactive pieces — a favorite being Rafael Lozano Hemmer’s installation “Pulse Spiral,” a chandelier with 200 lights that twinkle to your heartbeat when you put your hands on a smart pad.
The ship cruises in Europe this summer from Southampton before heading to its permanent homeport of Bayonne, New Jersey, in the fall.
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Photo: Royal Caribbean International