MSC Dedicates New Ship to Miami Year-Round | Cruise News – Mar. 20, 2015
MSC Dedicates New Ship to Miami Year-Round
Cruise News – Mar. 20, 2015
[[Here’s what we learned this week at Cruise Shipping Miami 2015, the cruise industry’s largest annual gathering.]]
MSC Cruises is planning to enhance its stake in the Caribbean, positioning the new 4,140-passenger MSC Seaside in Miami year-round, when the ship launches in December 2017. The ship will cruise from a dedicated terminal, which the Italian-style line is paying to renovate at PortMiami. MSC Chairman Gianni Onorato said more than other ships, MSC Seaside’s design would “clearly state that it is different.” Among the attractions will be a five-slide water park, one of the slides a hybrid “slideboard” that combines racing and elements of video gaming.
Photo: MSC Cruises
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