Five Faves Solo Schedules
Five tips for traveling alone during the holidays
How often do you travel alone? While it may seem daunting, I highly recommend you take a solo trip, and I dare you to take it during the holidays. You will surely travel alone at some point in your life, and from my experience I have found five things to be true about making the journey that much better.
Bring a Journal
I’ve heard it a thousand times before: “But I don’t write.” However, there is something about the act of writing in a foreign place that captures more than the words on the page. It captures the smell of the eatery, the texture of the table, the temperature outside, and the taste of the local delicacy. Write the way you know how. Scribble a name or doodle a picture; a journal is the perfect medium to enhance the joy and guide you through harder days.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions
A map can tell you many things, but it can’t tell the tales behind the storefronts, it can’t tell you the hidden meaning of a ceremony, and it can’t detail the history of a holiday. This is where locals come in. No matter where you find yourself in the world, there are always people willing to help. Ask and remain curious. Sometimes the best way to find the place you’re looking for is to put down the map.
Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone
Leaving the country completely removes you from your standard routine, which is already outside of anyone’s comfort zone. So go a step further and do something that makes your heart flutter, that makes you take a deep breath or think twice about it. Do something that is just for you, and you will treasure it for a lifetime to come.
Feel the Joy . . . All to Yourself
I was once told to keep the good things to yourself, so much so that it finds a home in your heart. We often have the privilege to share our joy instantaneously with our loved ones. But if you take the time to appreciate something that takes your breath away, that feeling will overcome your being. You will know it when you feel it and it will be tailor-made just for you.
Experience New Holidays
Depending on where you find yourself in the world, a holiday that you hold near and dear to your heart may be celebrated in different ways in different parts of the world. Cherish and celebrate new traditions no matter where in the world you are, and open your heart to experiences that you may not have even known existed.
Happy Travels!
— Marie Elena Larsen