What Is Open Booking?
Open booking is a flexible reservation system that allows travelers to secure a cruise without committing to a specific ship, itinerary, or sailing date immediately. Instead of finalizing plans at the time of booking, you can make changes later, which is beneficial for those with unpredictable sched
Now Visualize a Stress-Free Vacation….
Travelers seeking relaxation often return from their vacations more stressed than when they left. Racing to catch flights, adjusting to time changes, and wrestling with reservation forms can be exhausting. That’s why more and more European hotels are providing opportunities to practice mindfulness
New Survey Says Adventure Travel Popular with All Ages
The latest study in the cruise and travel realm points to an interesting shift in who is looking to experience adventure-themed vacations. The Travel Leaders Group, a top agency for travel and vacations, in conjunction with the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), surveyed their agents and the
My Cruise Calling … or Not
Monthly Mantra The Not-So-Specialist…The Not-So-Specialist…The Not-So-Specialist… My Cruise Calling … or Not In 2008, I, along with many workers in the United States, found myself unemployed. In my case, it was after nearly 30 years in the corporate publishing world, where I watched as human