Reaching The Apex
apex [ ey-peks ] noun,: the uppermost point, the highest or culminating point, peak, summit, climax. The latest addition to Celebrity Cruises’ fleet has been christened in perfect agreement with Webster’s Dictionary. Fifteen months of pandemic patience has been rewarded with the long-awaited lau
An American River Holiday
Climb back aboard with treasured purchases — homemade orange marmalade, perhaps, or hand-knitted scarves for the family. Check your watch — time for a gingerbread house-making workshop. The fragrance of pine cones wafts through the riverboat as holiday decorations twinkle. Sure sounds like a Chr
Antarctica’s Incredible Eclipse
Have you ever experienced totality? It happens during daylight every 18 months or so and lasts for just a few precious minutes, but typically only a few thousand people get to experience it. The result of the rare occurrence of the moon slipping perfectly across the sun to block its light, those bel